text editor (Rich-content-editor)



One of the most important elements that you will mainly use to manage the contents is the Rich Con- tent Editor. The Contents can be edited in a Rich Content Editor like in a text processing program (such as e.g. Word).




Below you can find the symbols available. It may be that some symbols are not shown in your editor. Please contact the support to add additional symbols if you need them.



// save - saves changes



// cancel all changes - break off without saving



// remove formatting



// select text format



// bold



// italic



// align left



// align center



// align right



// ordered list



// unordered list



// insert/edit link (mark the text before)



// unlink



// put in an image (image picker)



// paste as plain text (Copy/Paste an existing Text)



// paste from word (formatted text)



// insert a new table



// table row properties



// table cell properties



// insert row before



// insert row after



// delete row



// insert column before



// insert column after



// remove column



// merge table cells



// solit merged table cells



// edit HTML source