

A blog is a page type for a news page. Articles can be created depending on the date.


There are two versions of a blog:


// Full blog: Every entry is displayed in full in chronological order.

// Extended blog: An abstract of the entry is mapped in chronological order. It is possible to switch

to the full article with a "more" button




// To create an entry, click with the right mouse button in the page and select Add article.


// Select the date of publication (according to the date format set). This field defines when the ar- ticle should be published. If it is left empty, the article is published on creation.


// Select the date of archiving (according to the date format set). This field defines when the article should be moved from the page. It will continue to be available in the archive. If the field is left empty, the article continues to exist for ever.


// Give the article a title and write the text in the ,Content‘ field.




// If an extended blog is installed on your page, you can in the top part (article lead: the article ap- pears on the news overview page) enter the abstract and in the bottom part (content: The con- tent appears on the article page) the full article



// Confirm your entry with SAVE and CLOSE.


// The article now appears on your blog page.


// If the date of publication is in the future, the article is only visible for users who have logged in (and highlighted with a colour). Visitors to the website without logging in only see it when the date of publication has been reached.




// An article remains visible on your blog page until the date of archiving has been reached. If none is entered, it remains on the blog page permanently.


// To view or edit an article that is already in the archive, click with the right mouse button in the window and select Go to archive.




//Now the archive with the "old" articles is displayed